Did you know that 1 in 3 bites of food comes from pollinators like bees? For National Pollinator Month, we helped Justin's call attention to the alarming decline in bee populations by showing folks what our meals will look like if we don't help the bees.

We created a landing page on Justin’s site that gave people a chance to donate to our cause and learn more about the plight of bees.

To let bees and humans know Justin’s is helping the plight of the pollinators, we placed bee-sized billboards in highly-visible areas, like Boulder's Pearl St. and amongst wildflower gardens in larger cities, like New York’s Central Park and Chicago’s Lincoln Park.

Sure bees can’t read, but most people can. So each mini billboard comes with a QR code that links to our pollinator page, so they can see how we’re helping hives thrive.